The Problem:

So now you have done the calculations to use 10% of the country for wind power and 5% for solar power. Here are some questions to discuss and decide what you think we, as a country should do, and WHY! You will need to refer to your answers to the previous questions for information.

If we use 15% of our land this way do we meet 15% of our energy needs?...more?...or less?

Does it seem possible to you that we, as a society, will be willing to do this regardless of the cost?

What infrastructure needs do you think need to be addressed while building all these power plants?

If we were to run out of oil and natural gas in 50 years would we be ready to replace that energy with wind and solar by that time?

What are two things that every family could do to significantly reduce their energy use?

Are you optimistic, uncertain, or depressed by this discussion?

Do you feel like you can have a more informed and thoughtful discussion with your friends now?

What do you wish we had more time to talk about?