The Problem:
Crook County:
Crook County has about 2.1.104 people in it. The area of Crook County is about 7.8.109 m2 in area. Sunlight can generate 50 W-hr each day from 1 m2 of ground with solar panels. How much energy can be generated in a day?
We use about 40 kW-hr each day in this area. How much energy does the population of the county need each day?
Is this a good situation or a bad situation?
Jefferson County:
Jefferson County has about 2.1.104 people in it. The area of Jefferson County is about 4.6.109 m2 in area. Sunlight can generate 50 W-hr each day from 1 m2 of ground with solar panels. How much energy can be generated in a day?
We use about 40 kW-hr each day in this area. How much energy does the population of the county need each day?
Is this a good situation or a bad situation?
Deschutes County:
Deschutes County has about 17.104 people in it. The area of Deschutes County is about 7.9.109 m2 in area. Sunlight can generate 50 W-hr each day from 1 m2 of ground with solar panels. How much energy can be generated in a day?
We use about 40 kW-hr each day in this area. How much energy does the population of the county need each day?
Is this a good situation or a bad situation?