A primary outcome for the labs overall is to help us explore how science is communicated with the written word. While technology has changed our world (and will continue to do so) the written word is still the most used method used to transmit ideas and information. In this lab activity we will take a moment to explore expectations about writing that you do in future labs and other technical communications.
Procedure seems like a bit of an oversell for what we are going to do here. In broad strokes I am going to present you with something to observe that has some physics embedded in it. Then we will collaboratively work on creating several paragraphs describing various aspects of the observed "experiment".
- We will begin by watching a video.
- For future reference here are the videos from Blue Man Group performances that we will look at:
- Then we will individually write an introductory paragraph which describes the setting of the video. This should be clear enough that someone looking through a selection of similar video clips would be able to tell which one you were watching. Consider how your thesis statement or topic sentence communicates what this paragraph is about. What details will you include to meet the communication task required?
- We will explore my criteria for this paragraph and discuss improvements that might be made and potential confusions.
- We will then repeat this process with a paragraph or two describing the essential features of the physics effect being illustrated. One of the challenges in science is learning to notice features of what you are observing even if you don't have a plausible explanation. It is tempting for all of us to see what we think we should see instead of what is really there.
- We then created and discussed a plot that communicated the relationship that we observed and described in the previous step. We also discussed the various ways you might include this plot in your document that you are turning in for the lab deliverables below.
- Finally, we looked at the Tubulum video and possibly some other similar instruments. You will, on your own, write a final paragraph that connects your previous understanding of the Drumbone to explain why the Tubulum produces the notes needed to play music.
- After we share and discuss this paragraphs you will turn in them in on Bb. This assignment can be rewritten as needed to meet the critieria that we will discuss.
Turn in your 3 or 4 sample paragraphs with the plot included on Bb (Blackboard) for me to review and comment on. Below is a link to the webpage we looked describing the characteristics of a good paragraph for reference. It is my hope that this exercise will help clarify what I expect from the written parts of future lab deliverables. This activity is also intended to help you be sure that you know how to turn in written documents through Turnitin on Bb. This is a skill needed in this class and many others at COCC and colleges around the country.