Observational Experiments:

This rubric addresses the ability to design and conduct an observational experiment.



Competent Developing Novice What?
B 1 Is able to identify the phenomenon to be investigated

The phenomenon to be investigated is clearly stated.

The description of the phenomenon is vague or incomplete.

The description of the phenomenon to be investigated is confusing, or it is not the phenomena of interest.

No phenomenon is mentioned.

B 2 Is able to design a reliable experiment that investigates the phenomenon

The experiment might yield interesting patterns relevant to the investigation of the phenomenon.

Some important aspects of the phenomenon will not be observable.

The experiment may not yield any interesting patterns.

The experiment does not investigate the phenomenon.

B 3 Is able to decide what physical quantities are to be measured and identify independent and dependent variables

The physical quantities are relevant and independent and dependent variables are identified.

The physical quantities are relevant. However, independent and dependent variables are not identified.

Only some of physical quantities are relevant.

The physical quantities are irrelevant.

B 4 Is able to describe how to use available equipment to make measurements

All chosen measurements can be made and all details of how it is done are clearly provided.

All chosen measurements can be made, but the details of how it is done are vague or incomplete.

All chosen measurements can be made, but no details are given about how it is done.

At least one of the chosen measurements cannot be made with the available equipment

B 5 Is able to describe what is observed without trying to explain, both in words and by means of a picture of the experimental setup.

Clearly describes what happens in the experiments both verbally and with a sketch. Provides other representations when necessary (tables and graphs).

A description is complete, but mixed up with explanations or pattern. The sketch is present but is difficult to understand.

A description is incomplete. No labeled sketch is present. Or, observations are adjusted to fit expectations

No description is mentioned.

B 6 Is able to identify the shortcomings in an experimental and suggest improvements

All major shortcomings of the experiment are identified and reasonable suggestions for improvement are made.

Not all aspects of the design are considered in terms of shortcomings or improvements.

The shortcomings are described vaguely and no suggestions for improvements are made.

No attempt is made to identify any shortcomings of the experimental.

B 7 Is able to identify a pattern in the data

The patterns represents the relevant trend in the data. When possible, the trend is described in words.

The pattern has minor errors or omissions. Terms proportional are used without clarity-­‐ is the proportionality linear, quadratic, etc.

The pattern described is irrelevant or inconsistent with the data

No attempt is made to search for a pattern

B 8 Is able to represent a pattern mathematically (if applicable)

The expression represents the trend completely and an analysis of how well it agrees with the data is included

No analysis of how well the expression agrees with the data is included, or some features of the pattern are missing

The mathematical expression does not represent the trend.

No attempt is made to represent a pattern mathematically

B 9 Is able to devise an explanation for an observed pattern

A reasonable explanation is made. It is testable and it explains the observed pattern.

An explanation contradicts previous knowledge or the reasoning is flawed.

An explanation is vague, not testable, or contradicts the pattern.

No attempt is made to explain the observed pattern.

This rubric was originally developed by Eugenia Etkina and the rest of the ISLE team at Rutgers University. It is shared here with permission and any modifications in language or focus are entirely my responsibility. My enduring thanks to Eugenia for her dedication to PER and generosity with those of us who admire and follow her work.