JupyterLab Notebook Files:
TIn general I will try to provide a notebook with relevant sample code and discussion for each activity that requires a notebook. In the past I have made these available as inidividual files and it is apparently time for me to git with it. At this time I have created github repositories for each of the classes I teach. This allows me to continuously update and develop the notebooks that we use in class as well as correct the likely errors I will make. The files are not large so you should be able to download them even if your network access is shakey. All of this assumes that you have installed Anaconda with Jupyterlab and Python on your personal computer that you use for doing coursework.
PH211 Repo (again!):
This is where I would start. This repo will contain sample notebook files aligned with each of the labs through the term for PH211 (there will be a separate repo for reference files and future terms of the class). The typical workflow would be to select the relevant notebook and it will be rendered (displayed) in the view window. Python code in code cells will be shown along with the output. Markdown cells will display rendered output so you won't necessarily see the markdown tools to create that output. Go to the Github tools page to find instructions for downloading individual files from the repository
General Reference:
This repo is meant to hold any reference notebooks that I might generate for myself, and by extension others. My own workflow has this pattern where I build notebooks that contain various practice code cells needed to approach a particular calculation or plot. Ultimately these reference notebooks are used to underpin the lab notebooks that I eventually build but may have more side bar explorations or special cases. For now this is what I'm thinking.....
I needed a place to keep track of some interesting threads about the history of development of open source tools and this seems like as good a place as any.
A 1997 essay by Eric S. Raymond titled “The Cathedral and the Bazaar,” in some sense the founding document of the modern open-source movement, challenged the notion that complex software had to be built like a cathedral, “carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of mages working in splendid isolation.” Raymond’s experience as one of the stewards of the Linux kernel (a piece of open-source software that powers all of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers, and the vast majority of mobile devices) taught him that the “great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and approaches” that defined open-source projects was actually a strength. “The fact that this bazaar style seemed to work, and work well, came as a distinct shock,” he wrote. The essay was his attempt to reckon with why “the Linux world not only didn’t fly apart in confusion but seemed to go from strength to strength at a speed barely imaginable to cathedral builders.” - quoted from this Atlantic article
This essay is long form journalism so it's a bit of a read. I think you will find it valuable to read and consider because it is a clear eyed peak into the world 'behind the screen' without needing any red pills or blue pills.
A Giant Ball of Everything:
This link has been my starting point for tracking down most of the useful tools that I have linked elsewhere. I sort of feel like I should take a couple of years off and just do all of the stinking activities here and then I might understand some stuff ... more than just a little overwhelming!