I know that we have all had less than thrilling experiences exploring the user manuals for hardware and software that we use. In the case of the JupyterLab tools I find that I do use them regularly and find them helpful though sometimes difficult to figure out. The links to the core documentation for the various packages that we will use are linked on the right of the Software Resources page under Documentation. Happy reading....
JupyterLab Tutorials:
These are tutorials focused on the use and workflow inside JupyterLab. I find many of these get way deeper than I need very quickly. Never the less you may find a desire to become a deeper user of the JupyterLab system and these may provide some insights.
Starting Point: JupyterLab Interface, Working with Files, Notebooks
This is where I would start. It will seem overwhelming at first and I recommend just watching everything through the first time and then trying out stuff that you are asked to do for lab. You will probably find yourself going back and forth between your document and the tutorial many times in the begining. I find it helpful to make explanatory comments in MY document as I go to help me remember what I'm figuring out.
SciPy 2018 Tutorial: (only the first 30 min)
I found this interesting and a bit challenging and I've been working with Jupyter notebooks for about 6 months now. I offer this as an extension of the links above. It explores much more of the power of JupyterLab and a work environment but lots of the discussion may be very foreign to you.
Python Tutorials:
These are tutorials that address the actual use and features of the python coding environment. This is not a coding class although I wonder if you should get some credit for coding by the time you are done with the physics sequence.
My thanks to Eric Matthes for creating this content as an open source project. This feels like one of the best intro tutorials I have come across. This is often an indication that we share a similar perspective on learning and teaching but who knows. I'd like to also note that Eric is yet another example of the great work that is done by teachers in the K-12 system (Eric teaches/taught at Pacific High School in Sitka) to develop learning stragtegies and resources that are useful for students of all ages. Thanks Eric!
Plotting Tutorials:
Data representation, often in the form of plots, is a common feature of all science. Getting plots to do what we want can be frustrating when we know how to use pencil and paper to accomplish our goals. These tutorials are intended to provide the references that you need regarding different forms of plotting.
Modeling Tutorials:
We will be building towards using these tools to create physics models that we can compare with our data. It is important to note that almost all real problems out in the world use some form of modeling to explore how the system behaves from ground water flows to heat transfer in turbine blades. We will barely scratch the surface but we are headed that direction.
History of Open Source Development:
I needed a place to keep track of some interesting threads about the history of development of open source tools and this seems like as good a place as any.
A 1997 essay by Eric S. Raymond titled “The Cathedral and the Bazaar,” in some sense the founding document of the modern open-source movement, challenged the notion that complex software had to be built like a cathedral, “carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of mages working in splendid isolation.” Raymond’s experience as one of the stewards of the Linux kernel (a piece of open-source software that powers all of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers, and the vast majority of mobile devices) taught him that the “great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and approaches” that defined open-source projects was actually a strength. “The fact that this bazaar style seemed to work, and work well, came as a distinct shock,” he wrote. The essay was his attempt to reckon with why “the Linux world not only didn’t fly apart in confusion but seemed to go from strength to strength at a speed barely imaginable to cathedral builders.” - quoted from this Atlantic article
This essay is long form journalism so it's a bit of a read. I think you will find it valuable to read and consider because it is a clear eyed peak into the world 'behind the screen' without needing any red pills or blue pills.
A Giant Ball of Everything:
This link has been my starting point for tracking down most of the useful tools that I have linked elsewhere. I sort of feel like I should take a couple of years off and just do all of the stinking activities here and then I might understand some stuff ... more than just a little overwhelming!