1) The following circuits using batteries and light bulbs. In each case all the light bulbs light. Translate each picture into a circuit drawing using the traditional symbol for the battery and a resistor for the light bulb. You will need to figure out how current goes through a light bulb filament and makes it light.


2) The following circuits include three resistors and a 1.5 V battery. Using your knowledge of Kirchoff's Voltage Rule (energy conservation) determine the voltage drops across resistors A thru D.


3) Find the current through each resistor and the voltage drop across the resistor using Kirchoff's Rules and Ohm's Law circ3
4) Find the current through each resistor and the voltage drop across the resistor using Kirchoff's Rules and Ohm's Law circ4
5) Find the current through each resistor and the voltage drop across the resistor using Kirchoff's Rules and Ohm's Law. circ5
6) Find the current through each resistor and the voltage drop across the resistor using Kirchoff's Rules and Ohm's Law circ6
7) Show that the battery provides the same current in each case. What does this confirm about the behavior of resistors in series? circ7
8) Show that the battery provides the same current in each case. What does this confirm about the behavior of resistors in parallel? circ8
9) Find the current through each resistor and the voltage drop across the resistor using Ohm's Law and the ideas about resistors from the previous two problems. replace resistors in parallel and series with their equivalents until only one remains. Then apply Ohm's Law to determine currents and voltages. circ9