1) At rest, on the ground, the Concorde is 62 m long at a temperature of 17 oC. In flight the surface temperature of the plane can reach 105 oC due to friction. The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal skin of the plane is 2.0.10-5 (1/oC). How much longer is the plane in flight? (Do you think this will help the legroom problem?)

2) A 2 m long brass bar and a 1 m long aluminum bar are attached to opposite walls of a test chamber so that their ends are 1 mm apart when the temperature is 22 oC. At what temperature will the ends touch?

3) One morning you completely fill your 20 gal (.075 cubic meters) gas tank when the temperature is 17 oC. Assuming your gas tank is a rectangular steel container how much gas will dribble out of your tank if you park it in the sun and it warms up to 35 oC? Don't forget the effect of the tank changing volume as well.

4) Passive solar heating systems often use concrete walls to store heat for later release into the home. Consider such a wall with a mass of 1.4E4 Kg of concrete whose specific heat capacity is 880 J/kg-oC. If the temperature of the wall increases 12 oC during the day how much energy is stored by the wall? At current Pacific Power prices of 1.6.10-6 cents/J how much is this energy worth?

5) It was rumored when I was a student that one could throw a snowball fast enough so that when it struck a wall the conversion of kinetic energy to thermal energy would completely melt the snowball. Consider a 100 g snowball, how fast would it need to be going when it hit the wall to theoretically accomplish this feat? You will need to use the concepts of heats of transformation (specifically heat of fusion) to do this problem. Look it up if you are unsure.

6) To keep his barn warm on cold nights an astute Central Oregon rancher with a physics background has installed 840 kg of solar heated water in barrels. How many hours would he need to operate a 2 kW space heater to provide the same amount of heat energy as the water does as it cools from 10 oC to 0 oC and then freezes?

7) A home is built on an uninsulated concrete slab. During the winter the interior of the house is kept at a temperature of 18 oC while the ground under the slab is at 5 oC. The slab is 15 cm thick and has an area of 140 square meters. What is the cost of the energy lost through the slab in a day? Energy costs 6 cents/kW-hr in Central Oregon.

8) A 0.3 m thick sheet of ice covers a lake. The air temperature above the ice is -15 oC and the water temperature is essentially 0 oC. Assume that the heat flow through the ice freezes a thin layer of water onto the bottom of the sheet. How thick a layer is created in 5 min under these circumstances? Assume the layer is thin enough that it doesn't affect the overall thickness of the sheet.