Mostly we go to college for a variety of reasons which include figuring out what we enjoy putting effort into along with other less explicit sorts of goals. Among our typical hopes is that college will help us put together a work life which will support us doing the things that we discover we enjoy. We get all sorts of advice, well meaning and otherwise, about what we should do to prepare for that eventual job or career. I thought this was an interesting article about evidence based suggestions for how to be successful at any job/task that might arrive in our future. Amusingly, in spite of the assertions in the intro, it is not always clear how to find the evidence that supports the assertions they make.

Here is your assignment:

Pick one of the last 6 (9-15) suggestions and track down the evidence.

Trace the evidence back to a peer reviewed article and read the article if at all possible (don't pay for anything). You may well have to follow the evidence trail through several interations to get back to the underlying peer reviewed data. If you have followed it 4 levels deep and still not found the data please stop and come talk to me or follow another thread. I don't intend for this to become a quest.

Analyze the evidence and offer your analysis of whether and how it supports (or doesn't) the suggested job success strategy. Be careful not to just offer me your opinion -- what is the actual data!