The purpose of this lab activity is to revisit the process we will use in our labs for lab reports and any coding/plotting/data analysis embedded in the lab. Hopefully you have updated your Anaconda installation as well as Jupyterlab. I'm tempted to say "If you've forgotten how to use Jupyterlab go back and revew all the labs in PH211." but that seems a little harsh! None the less please remember that we developed a wide range of skills in those labs and the notebooks are still (and presumably will always) available on the PH211 github repo.
Labs for PH212 will be hosted on a separate PH212 github repo to reduce confusion. Please be aware that the notebooks that I am creating to practice homework problems are on yet another github repo for the same reason.
- We will go through accessing, opening, copying, and executing a Jupyter notebook from the repo during this lab activity to assure that at least those operations are clear. To help verify your resuscitated skills in this regard you will be turning in this lab as a pdf from a Jupyter notebook (along with the Arduino Intro).
i) Go to the github link above for PH212 and examine the JupyterLabReboot (not the JupyterLabRebootXT!) notebook. It asks you to enter some data into the notebook and plot it out. This is precisely what you did in the first part of the Rock Drop Lab in PH211. You can find that lab for reference on the PH211 github!
ii) Remember to include your Arduino commentary in a separate cell in the notebook and notice my request for some reflection at the end.
iii) Convert your notebook to a pdf and submit!
I) Submit the pdf of your notebook on Bb