Here are the tasks/skills that you need to demonstrate to your instructor's satisfaction:

Resistance Measurements:

Demonstrate that you can correctly identify the resistance of several resistors over a range of values:


Instructor Initials:___________________


Creating a Circuit on Project Board that matches schematic:

Demonstrate that you can construct a circuit on a standard prototyping board that matchs a given schematic BOTH eletrically and visually.


Instructor Initials:___________________


KVL Validation/ Voltage Measurements:

Demonstrate that you can correctly measure the voltage drop across all devices in your circuit and set up the DC power supply. Show that these measurements are entirely consistent with Kirchoff's Voltage, or Loop, Rule.


Instructor Initials:___________________


KCL Validation/ Current Measurements:

Demonstrate that you can correctly measure the current through a given resistor without shorting out the circuit. Show that these measurements are entirely consistent with Kirchoff's Current, or Node, Rule.


Instructor Initials:___________________