Lab Resources:

Just the Relay Datasheet:

The Omron with PN G5LE-1 is a relay very much like the ones that are on the relay board that many of you have in your kits. Here is the data sheet for this relay. The things to look at are relay resistance and current requirements along with switching speeds and maximum voltage and current for the contact points.

Relay Board:

This is a pretty standard two relay board like the ones many of you have in your kits. Single relay boards are essentially the same but with fewer control lines. I have also included the actual relay datasheet (JQC-3FF on mine) which you will need for some questions in the lab. If you have a different relay on your board go find the data sheet for it!

Power Transistor IRL520:

The IRL 520 is a fairly common FET power transistor. Transistors can be used in a similar fashion to relays but are particularly useful when you need higher switching speeds and you don't need to much current flow.

Power Transistor IRF510:

The IRF 510 is another fairly common FET power transistor. ...see other comments above...

NPN Daralington Transistor 2N6426:

Another possibility is 2N6426....

NPN Transistor P2N2222A:

Another possibility is P2N2222A....

Current Carrying Capacity Hook-up wire: