What classes do I need to take?

When you look at the lists of classes that each program expects you to take be aware that the numbers change from institution to institution but the content is reasonably consistent across the country. Be prepared to do a little research to understand what class you need to take at COCC to match up with the classes listed in these programs. It is certainly true that some of the sites linked below do not make it easy to find program descriptions that clearly lay out the courses you need to take. Remarkably, in some cases, they are not even listed on the web. Get used to digging around to find the information since it will be a continuing experience for you and all other students.

OSU Engineering

Below are links to the individual programs. If I can find them I will also link to the OSU advising bubble chart (they move around a bit) for each discipline. If the site moves or the link fails you can always start from the OSU engineering homepage above.


OIT Engineering

OIT doesn't have a general engineering page so you need to look at the individual programs websites which is fine as long as nothing moves!:)

UO Physics

This is the general physics department website. There is also a set of pages for undergraduate physics students which has some useful links.

OSU Physics

This is a link to the Physics Department advising page. From here you can get to other useful places.



Engineering/Physics Advising