ENGR 201: Notebook Checklist

So....I've laid a load of expectations on you for your lab notebooks. In part this is because students have a history of getting way behind in my classes (shock!). The skills in this course build sequentially and with practice over time. A mad dash in the last two weeks of the term is pretty useless to you (and frustrating for me:) To help you keep on top of it I am going to ask you to attach the following check list to the end of each lab in your lab notebook. This should permit you to know how you are doing in terms of completing and keeping up on the labs.

Here is a Word version of this file in case you lose the ones I hand out in class.

Lab Name:                                    Date:


Same wk

Next wk

2 wks

3 wks

Dated/Labeled/Ink/organized/no erase (2)





Equipment List/Lab setup/Circuit Schematic (2)





Data lists or sketches with labeled scales (2)





Requested plots and calculations (2)





Navel gazing self reflection with feeling (2)










Delayed gratification penalty





Total (10 max)






Engineering Lab Guide