Concept maps arise out of research into the internal maps that we all make to organize our understanding of various ideas and practices. What the research tells us is that the concept maps of 'experts' in any field are very different than those of traditional students. Experts (teachers) are trying to help you learn ways to think about the material for your courses based on a very different internal picture of how all the ideas and concepts are related. Not surprisingly this usual contributes to less than successful communication.

The primary difference between the concept maps of novices and those of experts is the level of interconnectedness embedded in the mental structure. Experts see their knowledge as deeply interconnected with many other concepts and tools in their field (like a giant social connectedness map) while novices tend to see their ideas as a linearly connected chain. This is partly due to the linear nature of traditional courses which places information in a sequential temporal chain.

What is linked here are some concept maps that are intended to help you visualize how I see the many relationships that exist in this material at different levels. I have usually developed the maps as a Prezi which allows you to explore different parts of the map at different scales. I have place major concepts at larger scales and the details are typically at smaller scales which require you to zoom in to see them clearly. Where possible I have linked pdf's of important parts of the concept maps so you can download them and print them if you find that helpful.

