3D Printers:

Here are the resource links to the starting points for the various 3D printer builds that we are (or may be) attempting. One of the features of the 3D printer world is that it is a classic internet wormhole that will lead you ever deeper into the webs and overwhelm you with information. These starting points should get you going but I'll look to you all for guidance on what additional info you want linked here.

Printer Kits:

These are the kits that I ordered for us to start with. They are relatively inexpensive but I have not strong sense of their relative design strengths and weaknesses. I also have no confidence that the build guidelines are effective or even correct. That is part of what you are testing.

Scratch Builds:

I am hoping I can get organized fast enough to get a couple of printers started from just a stack of parts. This is not necessarily cheaper but it gives us the opportunity to be more conscious of the actual engineering decisions that will need to be made.


One can go at least a couple of levels deeper in this 3D printer game and seek to hack a printer from various bits of cast off technology. This is a big challenge but if this is where your heart is come talk to me.

Our Printer Kits

Our Scratch Builds

Our Hacks

  • I'll find some