This Term:

This last term of the calculus physics sequence is an opportunity to work with you to develop your ability to do independent investigations and document that work both for yourself and others. How it feels to actually do a "free range" experiment is remarkably different that the world at large envisions. We will talk lots about the process as it unfolds. All you need is your curiousity and your great work ethic!

The basis for the PH213 project has no rhyme or reason. I know that over the summer something will strike me as a cool and accessible topic or task that we can use to explore the processes and ideas I am looking to share with you. An important aspect of any such project is the need for me to know very little about it. You will be on your own to some extent since I will have almost none of the answers that you might want. I think you'll enjoy the process even though there will be stressful and aggravating moments for sure.


Lab Discussion

  • First Steps

Lab Resources