Badge Criteria:

The point of this badge is to assert that the recipient of the badge has built a hosted badge through the construction of the required JSON objects and web pages, validated the assertion object, and baked the badge. I expect that you will issue this test badge to yourself and that you will construct all relevant files, pages, and images yourself though collaboration with other interested parties is assumed. To do so you will need to be able to create and host webpages and .json files.


I will award this badge when:

The recipient sends me an email with the baked badge attached to the email. In the body of the email I ask that you share with me, in a paragraph or so, the lessons learned or thoughts you had during this process (250 words roughly though you are welcome to wax eloquent if you so desire).

What I will do is unbake the badge you send me and copy the assertion object from the metadata. I will then validate the assertion object using the open badge metadata validator which will require that the various .json objects, criteria files, image files, and other materials have been created and hosted. If it all checks out I will issue the HITEC 2016 Badge Details Badge to you using the email address you provide.

Seem fair?