mozilla open badges

“…the value of a unit of currency is not the measure of the value of an object, but the measure of one’s trust in other human beings.”

Graeber, 2011

"Credibility inspires belief and is derived from perceptions of trustworthiness and expertise. These things can be assessed through personal means but quite often are accepted tacitly. How so? Through the cultural shorthand of pre-existing standards. We countenance many sociocultural values with little to no deep consideration, i.e., everyone was doing it, I just followed the crowd, etc. Let’s consider some ways that we might be able to classify what we mean when we talk about credibility."

Carla Casili: formerly Mozilla Open Badges

"Open Badges are a technology that promise to serve as portable digital credentials. Each badge symbolizes particular achievements a badge issuer recognizes about a recipient. The goal is that as a "shared language for data about achievements," Open Badges and the accomplishments they represent can be understood by employers, colleges and other consumers of credentials."

Nate Otto: Oregon Badge Alliance





Automotive Technology

Personal Health

  • Total Fit


  • Basics I
